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Posts tagged spacemacs
Question How do you clear local variable customizations in buffer? In other words, how do you reset all variables to default? Use case This may be useful in instances where you M-x customize-var...
MWE Using magit: Open log buffer: ll. Open a commit diff: ENT. Go back to log buffer without closing diff: window-other. Question Starting from the MWE above, is there a way to have the d...
MWE translate() square(); Problem I'd like to set the number of spaces per indent in scad-mode to 2. When I press tab on the second line in the MWE, it should result in: translate() ...
MWE 5 4 3 2 1 0 Go to the end of the file: G. Question Using spacemacs, how do I put the line with 3 at the top of the screen without moving the cursor? With moving the cursor that wou...