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These steps from UC Davis don't picture or mention the number pad on the far right hand side of computer keyboards. If Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator can't edit numeric keypads, please recommen...
#2: Post edited
How can you edit the keys on keyboard's Numeric Pad with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator?
- How can you edit the keys on keyboard's Numeric Pad, with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator?
- [These steps from UC Davis](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/en-us/articles/115005138248-How-do-I-remap-my-keyboard-) don't picture or mention the [number pad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_keypad) on the far right hand side of computer keyboards.
- ![](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/article_attachments/115009222348/keyboard_24.png)
- [These steps from UC Davis](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/en-us/articles/115005138248-How-do-I-remap-my-keyboard-) don't picture or mention the [number pad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_keypad) on the far right hand side of computer keyboards.
- If Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator can't edit numeric keypads, please recommend other (free?) software. I'm untutored in computer science or programming.
- ![](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/article_attachments/115009222348/keyboard_24.png)
#1: Initial revision
How can you edit the keys on keyboard's Numeric Pad with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator?
[These steps from UC Davis](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/en-us/articles/115005138248-How-do-I-remap-my-keyboard-) don't picture or mention the [number pad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_keypad) on the far right hand side of computer keyboards. ![](https://support.des.ucdavis.edu/hc/article_attachments/115009222348/keyboard_24.png)