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Welcome to the Power Users community on Codidact!

Power Users is a Q&A site for questions about the usage of computer software and hardware. We are still a small site and would like to grow, so please consider joining our community. We are looking forward to your questions and answers; they are the building blocks of a repository of knowledge we are building together.


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676 posts
+11 −0
Q&A Computer whining (~16khz noise coming from somewhere in the case)

My computer makes a very annoying high pitched noise under medium loads. I have been chasing this problem for a few days now and would appreciate any input you might have. System details: OS: Lub...

2 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Darth_Muldoon‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question noise audio
+11 −0
Meta Welcome to Power Users!

Welcome to the Power Users community on Codidact, where computer enthusiasts (power users) ask and answer questions about software and hardware usage! We're glad you're here and we're excited to s...

0 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+11 −0
Meta How can we grow this community?

Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...

2 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by tartley‭

+10 −0
Q&A reduce gzip archive size if files are similar

That Wikipedia quote is correct, yet somewhat wrong or at the very least misleading. A key term to understand is the window size (sometimes called the block size) of a data compression flow. By n...

posted 3y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Canina‭

+10 −0
Q&A How do I copy an unencoded URL from my browser?

Whenever I copy and paste URLs from my browser, they end up being percent-encoded and completely unreadable. For example, the homepage URL of the Japanese version of Wikipedia, https://ja.wikipedi...

2 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Moshi‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Quasímodo‭

+10 −0
Q&A How to stop all automatic Windows Update restarts on a Windows 10 Pro machine?

I have Octoprint on a Windows 10 computer to print to an Ender 5, it's fairly often that prints will go overnight and around 15-16 hours. If Windows Updates plus a restart were to happen during th...

3 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Chris Henry‭

+9 −0
Q&A In Windows 10 21H1, how do I remove the weather report in the task bar?

Windows 10 version 21H1 added a weather report to the task bar, next to the system tray area. Since I can just look out the window instead and get accurate, up-to-the-second weather information, I...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Canina‭

Question windows-10 taskbar
+9 −0
Q&A In Windows 10 21H1, how do I remove the weather report in the task bar?

Follow following steps : Right-click on the taskbar. Go down to the "News and interests" option In the small menu that pops up to the side click the "Turn Off" option.

posted 4y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭  ·  edited 4y ago by deleted user

+9 −0
Q&A Matrix solution software

I recommend Sage. It is an open-source general purpose mathematics software based on Python. You can install it from the link above, or for quick computations, you can also just use their free serv...

posted 3y ago by Quintec‭

+9 −0
Meta What should our take be on software recommendation questions?

Questions that specifically seek software recommendations (as opposed to asking how to accomplish a specified task) come with their own challenges that are to some extent different from those of ot...

2 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Canina‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Quasímodo‭

Question discussion
+9 −0
Meta How would you feel about a merger with Linux Systems?

On main meta, someone suggested to look into the possibility to merge our Power Users community with the community for Linux Systems to increase activity. (see

3 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by samcarter‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by ArrayBolt3‭

Question discussion
+9 −0
Meta How would you feel about a merger with Linux Systems?

Personally I think this would be an excellent idea and we would benefit in many ways. as the post on main meta already mentions, both communities would benefit from more activity looking ...

posted 3y ago by samcarter‭

+9 −0
Q&A Computer whining (~16khz noise coming from somewhere in the case)

This is from a meta-stable oscillation of one of the switching power supplies. The switching speed is almost certainly much higher than this, which is why you don't hear it most of the time. Unde...

posted 3y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+8 −0
Q&A How do I color — some but NOT all — text in a sentence, in HTML5?

The font element is depreciated An easy way to do it is to use span elements. That page has a good example of what you want. Simply do something like <p>Blah blah <span class="special"&g...

posted 3y ago by Moshi‭

+8 −0
Meta How would you feel about a merger with Linux Systems?

I'm posting the same answer on both sites, because the questions are basically the same. Personally, I am in favor of merging Linux Systems Codidact and Power Users Codidact, ideally by transferri...

posted 3y ago by Canina‭

+8 −0
Q&A Distinguish like I'm 9 years old — Bit rate vs. Data rate?

Very briefly, bit rate is the rate at which individual bits are sent. Data rate is the rate at which data is effectively transferred. Not all bits carry data. Some are used for various out of ba...

posted 3y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+8 −0
Meta Wasn't this deleted question salvageable?

Plagiarism isn't something that we want to encourage. By "fixing" the post and having someone else add the required attribution, it sends the message to the OP that copying content from elsewhere i...

posted 3y ago by Mithical‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Mithical‭

+8 −0
Q&A Connection closed by remote host in Putty with hosting provider says that the problem is not on their side

Fault isolation You need to take some basic steps to isolate where the problem actually lies. So far, it seems that you have tried with: one means of connecting to the Internet (presumably you...

posted 3y ago by Canina‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Canina‭

+8 −0
Q&A Why can't I play a YouTube video embedded on a website, in YouTube itself?

That video is not uploaded to YouTube. It is uploaded to Blogger, another service provided by Google. Although Google uses the YouTube player for both, you can't access Blogger videos from YouTube....

posted 3y ago by Ullallulloo‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Ullallulloo‭

+8 −0
Q&A Delete command from Vim's command line history?

Sometimes I accidentally enter a command with a typo in Vim, e.g. :e!fil instead of :e!file. As a consequence, the incorrect command clutters the history until it is evicted from the binary .vi...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by Quasímodo‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Quasímodo‭

Question vim
+8 −0
Q&A How to use GitHub Personal Access Token?

I have repositories on GitHub, and have been using a user name and password to access them. All was working great. I could use various GIT commands on the command line, and GIT would automaticall...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 3y ago by FoggyFinder‭

+8 −0
Q&A How can I plug in both a microphone and speaker to a laptop with a single 3.5 mm jack?

You are looking for a TRRS Headset Adapter The Lenovo Y700 has a Combo Audio Jack designed for headsets that contain their own microphone. That means that the jack can handle both audio output and...

posted 3y ago by Dana‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Dana‭

+8 −0
Q&A What is a good browser suitable for every-day use that respects user privacy and freedom?

What is a good browser suitable for every-day use that respects user privacy and freedom? This browser should: Respect user privacy. Ideally no telemetry, or at least opt-in telemetry. Does not...

4 answers  ·  posted 1y ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by matthewsnyder‭

+7 −0
Meta Are non power users questions welcome in Power Users?

I have found three posts from one user having the same statement: I'm a computer illiterate One of these posts derived on-topic question in this site, which have two answers; the top answer m...

3 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by Wicket‭  ·  last activity 2mo ago by Lundin‭

Question discussion scope
+7 −0
Meta Should we use more specific version tags for software?

If you're on Windows 10, you really should be on the latest version of Windows 10. Therefore, I believe it's not necessary to tag version numbers. Version tags will near immediately become irrelev...

posted 4y ago by Moshi‭
