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Emacs 28.1 has support for native compilation of Emacs Lisp, which is supposed to give a significant speed boost over regular Emacs Lisp. However, to take advantage of it, Emacs must be compiled w...
#1: Initial revision
Install Emacs with native compilation support on macOS
Emacs 28.1 has support for [native compilation of Emacs Lisp](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Native-Compilation.html), which is supposed to give a significant speed boost over regular Emacs Lisp. However, to take advantage of it, Emacs must be compiled with support for the library. I normally run the latest official version from [Emacs for OS X](https://emacsformacos.com/), but version 28.1 from that website does not have support for native compilation, as the following elisp evaluation in the `*scratch*` buffer shows: ```lisp (native-comp-available-p) ;;=> nil ``` I tried installing Emacs with Homebrew, but that appears to just download the version from emacsformacos.com. I looked at installing it via `nix`, but [the version there appears to still be 27.2](https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=21.11&show=emacsMacport&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=emacs). I'm working on compiling it myself, which I've done on older versions of macOS, but it has devolved into an annoying battle with obscure macOS-specific `ld` issues and header locations. So - where I can download a build of Emacs 28.1 for macOS Monterey that has native compilation and native JSON processing via `jansson` enabled?