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I would like to change the vertical position of subtitles in videos downloaded with yt-dlp. If I use yt-dlp -f 160 --write-subs --write-auto-subs --sub-langs en --embed-subs "https://www.youtube....
#1: Initial revision
Change position of subtitle with yt-dlp
I would like to change the vertical position of subtitles in videos downloaded with yt-dlp. If I use ``` yt-dlp -f 160 --write-subs --write-auto-subs --sub-langs en --embed-subs "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC91ZWUvfEo" ``` the subtitles will be placed at the very bottom of the video: ![screenshot from a video with subtitles at the very bottom of the screen](https://powerusers.codidact.com/uploads/s7atyoo891gx9ftvc5tfx9kf80mp) However I would like to move the subtitles a bit further up. I can retroactively move them upwards with ffmpeg: ``` ffmpeg -i "L’Evolution du RER Parisien⧸Francilien [EC91ZWUvfEo].mp4" -vf "subtitles='L’Evolution du RER Parisien⧸Francilien [EC91ZWUvfEo].en.vtt':force_style='MarginV=50'" video_destination.mp4 ``` ![screenshot from a video with subtitles moved further upwards on the screen](https://powerusers.codidact.com/uploads/ouj1eh29cndch3j4mttjhlyn07g7) However I would like to use this in a script, so having to know the name of the `.mp4` and `.vtt` files is inconvenient. Is there any way to directly change the position of the subtitles in yt-dlp?