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Why does this PowerShell command first request writing all bytes before uploading to JFrog Artifactory and how can I make it stream bytes immediately?
I upload a 150 MB file via PowerShell to a JFrog Artifactory server as follows:
$FilePath = "dataset.tar.gz"
$URL = "https://artifactory.somesite.com/artifactory/project1/dataset.tar.gz"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URL -Method Put -Headers @{ "X-JFrog-Art-Api" = $ARTIFACTORY_API_TOKEN } -InFile $FilePath
To my surprise, it first requested writing all the bytes:
which takes a minute or two, before actually sending the bytes that the file contains to the server. Why, and how can I avoid that (I'd prefer if it start upload the bytes that the file contain immediately)?
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