Welcome to the Power Users community on Codidact!
Power Users is a Q&A site for questions about the usage of computer software and hardware. We are still a small site and would like to grow, so please consider joining our community. We are looking forward to your questions and answers; they are the building blocks of a repository of knowledge we are building together.
Nobody can tell with 100% certainty, but better be safe than sorry: If this is your only backup, then get another HDD for backup. I would suggest to get yourself some diagnostic tool that can read...
Is it possible to switch to an admin user from a regular user within a PowerShell SSH session (similar to Linux's su <user>) without even connecting to a remote desktop session and open Power...
Although .viminfo is technically a binary file, some parts of it are actually plain text. From :help viminfo-read-write, The viminfo file itself can be edited by hand too, although we suggest yo...
Since Power Users is essentially a super set of the Linux site, if a merger is to happen, it becomes natural to merge Linux into this site. I don't think anyone at Power Users would mind, *nix ques...
Due to "compression". The video is highly compressed. Some of that compression makes use of the picture not changing much from one frame to another. When you extracted individual frames, such co...
Option 1: Choose a different theme Just go to Settings > Extensions and Themes (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A) and choose a suitable theme. Option 2: Use CSS to set the exact tab color Firefox UI de...
Just exclude the second number. "50.. copies" site:torontopubliclibrary.ca will give results for any number greater or equal to 50. For getting natural numbers less than 50, just set the first to...
If you hover over screen shots, you can clearly see the screen shot links to Microsoft. Since the question is now deleted, I cannot verify that claim, but assuming it is true: Do you see how t...
I'm using a zsh shell with zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' autoload -Uz compinit && compinit to allow tab completion regardless of capitalisation, e.g. cd desk w...
The url might not have been the best one to pick, but given that the question is verbatim the same as on other Q&A sites, I still think the presumption of a x-post is not so far fetched... T...
Right click on the file and view the file properties. In all likelihood, the file details in the file properties dialog will reveal what software this .msi file belongs to.[1] Deleting it should b...
MSI files can be unpacked using 7-Zip or similar software. The embedded files might offer additional insight into what the MSI actually is.
I'd like to use the similarities between files to produce a gzip archive that's as small as possible. On gzip's Wikipedia entry it says that: gzip is not to be confused with the ZIP archive for...
I am trying to handle the digital affairs of a departed family member. The person had an iCloud account, which I am able to log into (I have the password and the 2FA device). There's about 40G of...
I think to some extent, you actually answered your own question, possibly without realizing it. A URL is a specialization of a URI. (Or more technically accurate, a URI is a generalization of a UR...
I want to start moving away from using Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers, and instead move to Firefox. Firefox is an open-source web browser run by a non-profit, as well as the only major c...
It's not as complex as a clever URL trick: your would-be scammer is incompetent. Technically, this is a malformed URL and shouldn't parse at all. The relevant spec is RFC 3986 §3 — for this purpose...
I (well, my spam trap) received email that I know is a scam, but I'm trying to understand how it works. The message contains a URL of the following form: https:/example.com:2096/?goto_app=Somethi...
Inspired by this comment thread, is there a way to automate git bisect with a new test (and a known good state)? The way things usually work for me is… Oh no! Reproducible bug is found. (Manual...
Sorry if the title is weird, please feel free to suggest a rephrase. I have a personal server in my closet. I host various software on this for my family's use. The vast majority of the time I con...
I use email frequently, for many things, some of them important (banks, work). From what I've seen, all the offline mail clients (like Thunderbird, Evolution, Kmail) suck for a power user - mail fi...
Determining the encoding of binary data representing text is a notoriously difficult problem, which basically comes down to probabilities. UTF-8 is one of the few exceptions that I know of, becaus...
I have some text files which think they are encoded in utf8: file test.txt test.txt: Unicode text, UTF-8 text, with CRLF line terminators (https://github.com/samcarter/shared/blob/main/test.tx...
I have a Pixel 5A running Android 12 (I assume stock Android because it's a Pixel, but I don't know how to tell). The phone app that came with it reports probable spam or scam calls by labeling th...
Have mkdir -p d1/d1_sd1/ d2/d2_sd1/ touch d1/d1_sd1/f1.txt d2/d2_sd1/f1.txt . ├── d1 │ └── d1_sd1 │ └── f1.txt └── d2 └── d2_sd1 └── f1.txt 4 directories, 2 files ...