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How to change default comment char for INI in VS Code?


When I set a file's language as "INI" in VS Code, and use the "comment" command, it uses ; as the comment character. Is there a way to make it use # instead?

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You can't edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in language-configuration.json, under comments:

Comment toggling

VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. Toggle Line Comment and Toggle Block Comment. You can specify comments.blockComment and comments.lineComment to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.

  "comments": {
    "lineComment": "//",
    "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]

Worst case, you may be able to modify the source of the package. VSC doesn't have options for tweaking those as part of its core. However, since other people also have this need, Arturo Dent made a package to maintain the package tweaks I suggested above.

For example, if you prefer your line comments to look like // * you can set it to that in specific languages. Here is an example setting in user settings.json:

"custom-language-properties": {
  "javascript.comments.lineComment": "// *",
  "python.comments.lineComment": "# *",
  "python.brackets": [["{","}"],["[","]"],["(",")"]]

These are NOT additional comment styles, the default comment styles will be replaced by those in your setting. I suggest you do not go crazy with comment style for example, as other editors may not recognize them as comments. So something like // ** is fine (the leading // will still be recognized as a comment) but ** by itself will not be recognized by another editor or person without this extension and that setting.

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