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Q&A How to change default comment char for INI in VS Code?

You can't edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in language-configuration.json, under comments: Comment toggling VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. Toggl...

posted 1mo ago by Michael‭  ·  edited 1mo ago by Michael‭

#3: Post edited by user avatar Michael‭ · 2024-09-12T13:14:37Z (about 1 month ago)
Look, someone else made a way to manage it.
  • I don't know if you can edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in `language-configuration.json`, under `comments`:
  • > ## [Comment toggling][docs]
  • > VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. **Toggle Line Comment** and **Toggle Block Comment**. You can specify `comments.blockComment` and `comments.lineComment` to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.
  • >
  • > ```json
  • > {
  • > "comments": {
  • > "lineComment": "//",
  • > "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
  • > }
  • > }
  • > ```
  • Worst case, you may be able to modify the source of the package, but VSC may offer a way to modify package settings in your local config. (It has been a long time since I used it.)
  • [docs]:
  • You can't edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in `language-configuration.json`, under `comments`:
  • > ## [Comment toggling][docs]
  • > VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. **Toggle Line Comment** and **Toggle Block Comment**. You can specify `comments.blockComment` and `comments.lineComment` to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.
  • >
  • > ```json
  • > {
  • > "comments": {
  • > "lineComment": "//",
  • > "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
  • > }
  • > }
  • > ```
  • Worst case, you may be able to modify the source of the package. VSC doesn't have options for tweaking those as part of its core. _However,_ since [other people][se] also have this need, Arturo Dent [made a package][dent] to maintain the package tweaks I suggested above.
  • > For example, if you prefer your line comments to look like `// *` you can set it to that in specific languages. Here is an example setting in user `settings.json`:
  • >
  • > ```json
  • > "custom-language-properties": {
  • > "javascript.comments.lineComment": "// *",
  • > "python.comments.lineComment": "# *",
  • > "python.brackets": [["{","}"],["[","]"],["(",")"]]
  • > }
  • > ```
  • >
  • > These are NOT additional comment styles, the default comment styles will be replaced by those in your setting. I suggest you do not go crazy with comment style for example, as other editors may not recognize them as comments. So something like `// **` is fine (the leading `//` will still be recognized as a comment) but `**` by itself will not be recognized by another editor or person without this extension and that setting.
  • [docs]:
  • [se]:
  • [dent]:
#2: Post edited by user avatar Michael‭ · 2024-09-11T20:01:00Z (about 1 month ago)
Fix path.
  • I don't know if you can edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in `language-config.json`, under `comments`:
  • > ## [Comment toggling][docs]
  • > VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. **Toggle Line Comment** and **Toggle Block Comment**. You can specify `comments.blockComment` and `comments.lineComment` to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.
  • >
  • > ```json
  • > {
  • > "comments": {
  • > "lineComment": "//",
  • > "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
  • > }
  • > }
  • > ```
  • [docs]:
  • I don't know if you can edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in `language-configuration.json`, under `comments`:
  • > ## [Comment toggling][docs]
  • > VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. **Toggle Line Comment** and **Toggle Block Comment**. You can specify `comments.blockComment` and `comments.lineComment` to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.
  • >
  • > ```json
  • > {
  • > "comments": {
  • > "lineComment": "//",
  • > "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
  • > }
  • > }
  • > ```
  • Worst case, you may be able to modify the source of the package, but VSC may offer a way to modify package settings in your local config. (It has been a long time since I used it.)
  • [docs]:
#1: Initial revision by user avatar Michael‭ · 2024-09-11T19:54:34Z (about 1 month ago)
I don't know if you can edit it in settings, but I do know where those come from. It's in `language-config.json`, under `comments`:

> ## [Comment toggling][docs]
> VS Code offers two commands for comment toggling. **Toggle Line Comment** and **Toggle Block Comment**. You can specify `comments.blockComment` and `comments.lineComment` to control how VS Code should comment out lines / blocks.
> ```json
> {
>   "comments": {
>     "lineComment": "//",
>     "blockComment": ["/*", "*/"]
>   }
> }
> ```
