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Power Users is a Q&A site for questions about the usage of computer software and hardware. We are still a small site and would like to grow, so please consider joining our community. We are looking forward to your questions and answers; they are the building blocks of a repository of knowledge we are building together.
General Q&A about software and hardware usage
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I use vifm in split mode - it always shows two vertically separated windows each with a directory listing. From there I can open files using the right arrow. However when I open a text file, vifm g...
I figure that there are few concepts behind working with modern computer screens and GUI operating system windows. Screen size: The screen's physical size; everything including its physical peri...
Can you please recommend PAID software for my Windows 10 laptop, to trim videos from 2 to 10 GB? This differs from my previous question where I requested solely FREE software. I've tried Lightwork...
In Google search console I have: 883 webpages Discovered - currently not indexed 4 webpages Crawled - currently not indexed But, from a site:example.com command (regarding the same website),...
Is Tint the correct term? I'm referring any document, paper, or picture that appears too yellowish or brownish. I'm not merely referring Foxing. I prefer black text on white background. What's th...
Assume you're accessing your university Canvas LMS and Intranet (is this the correct term?) — e.g. your university email, library website, etc... — normally, without VPN or proxy. Assume you have...
Sometimes I accidentally enter a command with a typo in Vim, e.g. :e!fil instead of :e!file. As a consequence, the incorrect command clutters the history until it is evicted from the binary .vi...
I have a software application (Trope Trainer, from Kinnor Software) that I installed on my Mac (OS 10.12) several years ago. I don't use it often but it's always worked fine for me. The applicati...
I use my smartphone as my "router", with dynamic IP addresses, for nearly 3 years and never had any problem SSHing into various shared hosting environments with Putty. I host my website on a CentO...
I've been using Datenstrom Yellow on a Mac running 0S 10.12.6 (Sierra) to build a personal web site (mostly a blog). The self-hosted test site (runs directly from source) and the build (generated s...
Firefox is my preferred browser when using a PC. I've also always found it to be one of the faster no matter computer. However, whenever I try to use Firefox on my Android phone (Samsung S8), it g...
I need to be available by smartphone for potential customers which generally all of them reside in a country different than the one I reside at. Register-with-phone-line VoIP applications such as ...
I would like to use a static site generator to create a personal blog. I'm new to SSGs (but not to blogs). Following some initial research and recommendations, I chose Datenstrom Yellow for its a...
When I launch new browser tabs from links on other pages, I want the new tabs to appear at the end, not right after the current tab. Chrome (desktop) doesn't have a setting for this (or at least n...
I use a HP LaserJet Pro MFP M426fdn printer at work. It offers 4 settings for Print Quality: ProRes 1200 (132 lpi) ProRes 1200 (180 lpi) FastRes 1200 600 dpi Is ProRes 1200 higher qual...
I was using Dark Reader for long time. I saw that sometimes my scroll bar goes away. When I use two finger scrolling way in touch-pad then, I see that scroll bar appears. But, why my scroll bar som...
I'm looking for a text processor that can color specific words, just like Microsoft Wordpad can (select a word -> click the color button -> choose a color), but for a GNU/Linux system. I hav...
I'm using Karabiner-Elements to remap some keys. I would like remap backspace to forward delete option + backspace to backward delete To do this I tried to write the following rule ...
I need to truncate all logs whatsoever (available under "example.com/Special:logs" path pattern) in my MediaWiki website (1.35.2). In the logs webpage, I didn't find any way to do that; I can only...
By default, Outlook client does a great job at blocking images coming from external sources (ensures no tracking, no potentially disturbing images etc). Some folks within my organization are using ...
One of the default apps on Windows 10 for viewing photos is Microsoft Photos. The app is really nice and have very useful features but one of the worst problems with the app is that it takes a lot...
I'm looking for an application to play my mp3 audio books on macOS 11.5. On an older system, I was using ecoute, but this does not seem to work under macOS 11.5. Required features: resume the...
One of the folders in my home folder, Music, appears to be hidden. In the finder it appears slightly greyed out and it won't appear if I try to open files from applications which don't show hidd...
Okay, this is driving me nuts with modern UIs. Back in the old days, it was easy: Checkboxes were either checked, crossed, starred, filled in, or whatever glyph the particular environment used for...
While cleaning my attic, I unerathed an HTC Desire 610 from 2014. I hope to use it as a backup phone. I can't afford to buy a new phone, as COVID unemployed me. As at today, the Latest release is ...
A workaround to a problem I'm having with an application on my Mac (desktop machine) is to disconnect from the network before launching the program. I headed over to the network settings to look f...
We can talk about backend redirects when we redirect a user from example.com/1.html to example.com/2.html (without a link); the server is asked to do it by some backend-language such as PHP or by J...
My (older) phone is running Android 7.1.1. (In case it matters, the phone is a ZTE Axon 7.) I use the phone app that it came bundled with, "Dialer" v 4.2.001. (That's a really generic name, I k...
I had saved a number in my mobile a years ago (approximately) and, tried to contact via Imo Messenger. I had deleted Imo later that day. Yesterday I had downloaded Imo Messenger again. And, somehow...
In macOS 11 the font colour of the menu bar automatically adapts to the darkness of the background image. On a light background it will show the text in black and on a dark background it will show ...
Is the issue with https://www.artemisatusc.com/our-board? or my computer? I'm using Firefox and Windows 10. This issue happens for every portrait on that website. I'll just showcase one. But a...
I have Octoprint on a Windows 10 computer to print to an Ender 5, it's fairly often that prints will go overnight and around 15-16 hours. If Windows Updates plus a restart were to happen during th...
I'm responsible for combining edits to a document from a number of coauthors, accepting or rejecting any changes (and deleting any comments) that don't require further discussion, and recirculating...
I started using Microsoft Word ever since I was 5, but I never knew of this trick until I read the following! Why does this gambit work, when the word count remains the same? (c) Word-order cha...
We have a Windows Server, running Microsoft 2019 Essentials that is supposed to be on all of the time, but after a couple of days it will turn itself off, and then we have to manually turn it back ...
I would like to export the entire history (thousands of messages) of a conversation from Microsoft Teams. There is no "save" or "export" functionality evident in the Windows client. I found some ...
I need to free up hard drive space. What happens if I delete this folder? This Reddit thread has no definitive answer.
I have repositories on GitHub, and have been using a user name and password to access them. All was working great. I could use various GIT commands on the command line, and GIT would automaticall...
Some website hosting companies change port 22 to some other open port. I don't think that information security is the main reason to do that; first, because many hosting companies would explicitly...
I am new to Virtual Box. I had installed Parrot OS in VirtualBox. And, I am directly using Parrot OS from ISO. I can do everything well. But, will my data erase when I will turn off Virtual Machine...
In the past I have rented hosting services from SiteGround. I recall that their SSH/SFTP port address was different than 22 so I would assume that maybe data was forwarded from port (address) 22 to...
There are a bunch of Windows Servers that I use Remote Desktop to connect to, all but one allow the saving of passwords. When I try to connect to that particular server I get an error message that ...
I understand that with computer systems (non virtual or virtual), data between the network of two or more computer systems can come in via a port and can come out via a port. Is it common to filte...
I have Cura on a Windows Computer and an Ender 5 that I print to with Octoprint connected via USB. The problem I am currently running into is that if I open Cura before I start Octoprint, Cura will...
This is the relevant fragment of my Tmux configuration file. set -g automatic-rename on set -g automatic-rename-format "#{pane_current_command}" set -g window-status-for...
My Windows 10 laptop has a Scandinavian keyboard. Very convenient, as I can write the letters æ ø å with ease and ä ö with a couple of keystrokes. However, I am missing the quote symbols « and », ...
I have Octoprint on a dedicated Windows 10 computer for monitoring a Ender 5, the only thing is that if the computer shuts down I currently have to open a command line and manually restart Octoprin...
To compile and create a list of all Sino-Korean words from https://en.wiktionary.org, I input site:en.wiktionary.com "sino-korean word" into Google. But the screenshot beneath shows that Goog...
I intermediately have a problem with DuckDuckGo. Instead of showing me the list of search results it sometimes directly jumps to one of the search results, without giving me a chance to check if th...
Windows 10 version 21H1 added a weather report to the task bar, next to the system tray area. Since I can just look out the window instead and get accurate, up-to-the-second weather information, I...