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Power Users is a Q&A site for questions about the usage of computer software and hardware. We are still a small site and would like to grow, so please consider joining our community. We are looking forward to your questions and answers; they are the building blocks of a repository of knowledge we are building together.
General Q&A about software and hardware usage
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If one hovers over a server name in discord, a speech bubble with the server name pops up: Is there any way to avoid this tooltip? Maybe a userscript or a user style? As this element is only vis...
Call the 3 Word documents in the same folder 1.docx, 2.docx, 3.docx. I followed Allen Wyatt's instructions for "Opening a Word Document when Starting the Computer" that is encapsulated by Microsoft...
Apple removed the hide option for login items in macOS 13 Ventura. Are there any alternative ways to launch an application at login without opening a window?
MWE Using magit: Open log buffer: ll. Open a commit diff: ENT. Go back to log buffer without closing diff: window-other. Question Starting from the MWE above, is there a way to have the d...
Back in the days of OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard, one could circulate from the last space to the first space, e.g. if one was on the last space and used the keyboard shortcut to go to the next space, it w...
Background story: I would like to have a button in my touch bar which changes the illumination of the keyboard in small steps (what you normally get from pressing Illumination(up/down)+option+shif...
I often open an terminal within vim via: :vert term. The terminal opens on the right side with the same style (background and foreground colors) as my vim style. Is it possible to change the styl...
MWE translate() square(); Problem I'd like to set the number of spaces per indent in scad-mode to 2. When I press tab on the second line in the MWE, it should result in: translate() ...
Question Is there a way in grafx2 to make the background transparent and trim to content? This could be done during save. My process now when making images for documents is: Make image in gra...
To save Hard Drive space, how can I record merely the green rectangles below containing the heads of my family? I waste bytes if I record the areas crossed out in orange, like the backgrounds and ...
If ones uses RStudio to convert a rmarkdown file to pdf, RStudio will call pandoc with arguments like this: /opt/homebrew/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS Untitled.knit.md --to beamer --from markdown+a...
My old backup email account never receives incoming emails. In Microsoft Outlook, I deleted at least 50 emails in the Inbox and Sent Items, then emptied "Deleted Items", but the .ost for this email...
MWE line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 6 line 7 Go to "line 4": /line 4 ENT. Delete into register: dd. Replace everything with register using only ex mode. (Non-ex equivalent: gg...
Have mkdir -p d1/d1_sd1/ d2/d2_sd1/ touch d1/d1_sd1/f1.txt d2/d2_sd1/f1.txt . ├── d1 │ └── d1_sd1 │ └── f1.txt └── d2 └── d2_sd1 └── f1.txt 4 directories, 2 files ...
MWE 5 4 3 2 1 0 Go to the end of the file: G. Question Using spacemacs, how do I put the line with 3 at the top of the screen without moving the cursor? With moving the cursor that wou...
Background: I'm using a websites which uses a pin code locally stored in a cookie for login. As firefox does not recognise the field to input the pin as a password field, it won't store the passwo...
On my Lenovo Legion, every single time I boot up Windows 10, I get confronted by an Xbox app popping up and telling me that I have a free game pass or something and to log in to claim it. Every tim...
While using Outlook on the web, when I sort mail by sender, my Inbox shows a heading row containing just the sender name in bold, with any emails from that sender below. How do I turn off those he...
I'd like to draw a rectangle on the screen and get the dimensions in pixels of that rectangle. A bit like a ruler in order to measure the distance on screen. I'm using Sway version 1.8 on Arch Lin...
I want to manage the customization of the small icon in the right of any shortcut started with admin privilegies I already know how to change the arrow in shortcut: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\...
How can one add one comment to two or more selections in Google Docs? It is clearly technically possible, since when you copy a section with a comment, any pasted text will link to the same commen...
Can you please recommend free software for my Windows 10 laptop, to trim videos from 2 to 10 GB? I've tried Lightworks, ShotCut. But they keep freezing after I apply my trim, and I must force-clos...
I have a bunch of GIT repositories on my laptop, which have their "origin" set to repositories on GitHub. After a commit in a local repository, I do git push -u origin master to update the remot...
I accidentally moved folder De under folder Laun in Thunderbird's folder side bar: How can I move De back to the same level as Laun and Archive? If I drag it and release it just between the oth...
I don't have time to set, or change, the 'Header Position from Top' and 'Footer Position from Bottom' for each page individually and manually! How can I set them all at once, in one fell swoop? Pl...
MWE In Vim: mm. o ESC mm (by accident, meant mn). Question How do I jump to the original mark m set in action 1.? Edit I'm sorry, what I meant was you issue mm when you meant 'm. (It al...
Background The xclip manual mentions use of targets: -t, -target specify a particular data format using the given target atom. With -o the special target atom name "TARGETS" can be used t...
Question I am using Altair to generate plots using python and pandas. What is preventing CutyCapt from capturing the plot in the html output? CutyCapt writes a blank png. MWE I am outputting ...
What is the magit equivalent of git switch branch? I'm particularly interested in the situation where you cloned a repo, and want to checkout a remote branch locally. From the commandline that u...
Have This .png image of a plot: Want To add vertcal lines between the groupings: (0, 1, 2) LINE (3, 4, 5) LINE (6, 7, 8) I want to place the lines exactly in the middle of the grouping boun...
Question Is there a command in emacs for "email quoting" an autofilled paragraph? Have Nullam eu ante vel est convallis dignissim. Fusce suscipit, wisi nec facilisis facilisis, est dui fermentu...
One relative has taken so many photos, that scrolling down to his pictures before 2020 takes too much time and effort. But once scrolling reaches his pictures uploaded in 2020, my browser froze. I ...
My bosses and colleagues prefer images to be embedded, rather than attaching an image to an email — not least because attachments can be wrongly flagged as spam, and because it's easier to see embe...
Just updated Windows (2022-06-17, version Windows 10 Pro 21H2) and now there's an eye-catching, ugly icon in the taskbar, which graphics suggests that Windows' intended target audience is children ...
Undoubtedly, it's too unproductive to add spaces manually before each Footnote SuperScript. I clicked on Manage Styles, but see no option to add such spaces PRODUCTIVELY. Word grayed out "Paragr...
On both my desktop and laptop, my Windows 11 C drives are on a 500 GB SSD. My D drives are on a 1 TB HDD. Desktop A Microsoft Support Engineer noticed that I backed up 300 GB of family videos on ...
I am using a Lenovo Legion laptop and one thing I have noticed is the fan working at full speed from time to time. This seems to be related to the CPU jumping to a high frequency to deliver more pr...
I need to remove all the red text below with ‘Find and Replace’, but keep all green text. Input 1:23 Keep this line 1. 4:56 Keep this line 2. Snag Inputting ^#:^#^# removed the red text, b...
I'd like Firefox to automatically use the "Print using the system dialogue" setting: In older versions, I could use print.tab_modal.enabled = false in about:config to automatically get the ...
I have a Pixel 5A running Android 12 (I assume stock Android because it's a Pixel, but I don't know how to tell). The phone app that came with it reports probable spam or scam calls by labeling th...
My computer makes a very annoying high pitched noise under medium loads. I have been chasing this problem for a few days now and would appreciate any input you might have. System details: OS: Lub...
I'd like to use the similarities between files to produce a gzip archive that's as small as possible. On gzip's Wikipedia entry it says that: gzip is not to be confused with the ZIP archive for...
After upgrading one of my computers to Firefox 99.0.1 on Ubuntu, it's started rendering some fonts—specifically DejaVu Sans and Arial, although there may be others—incorrectly. The actual words are...
This is regarding the regular phone app that came with my Android phone. Under App Info, it says App installed from Google Play Store and version 78.0.437276706. I haven't done anything deliberat...
Emacs 28.1 has support for native compilation of Emacs Lisp, which is supposed to give a significant speed boost over regular Emacs Lisp. However, to take advantage of it, Emacs must be compiled w...
Per each general audience webpage (i.e. any main-namespace page such as an article page or Category: page), the MediaWiki content management system creates about 10 or 100 or 1,000 if not more webp...
Hello. Any Photoshop experts here? As practice, I am trying COLOR my black chair BLUE. As you can see from screenshots, I missed 2 spots that I had to color separately. But I don't want 3 separate...
I can't use Undo, because I noticed these 2 tresses of blue hair LONG AFTER I used the Object Selection Tool. How can I restore the original hair color, without restarting from scratch? Do not ask...
A Microsoft T3 Support Engineer confirmed that this .msi for a third party program, not Microsoft, because it doesn't appear in the Roaming > Microsoft folder. What's this .msi for? Can I safel...